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Property Listing


The seller and listing agent of this home is a licensed real estate agent. This home has many new features including a beautiful wrap around deck, new appliances, new floor coverings, new tile in bathrooms, new mound system, new covered open porch along north side of home, etc. The home sits about in the center of the rectangular 5 acre parcel. Land has been surveyed and the corners are marked with stakes/flags. This home is on a deal end road for added privacy and is also close to the Willard Munger trail.

Property Information

Status: Active
Sub Type: ********
List Price: $249,000
MLS#: 6643032
Current Price: $249,000
Address: 19418 Happys Drive, Hinckley, MN 55037
City: Hinckley
State: MN
Postal Code: 55037
Geo Lat: 46.070384
Geo Lon: -92.945897
County: Pine

Property Description

Year Built: 1950
Lot Size SqFt: 217800
Gen Tax: 1046
Specials Inst: 0
High School: ********
Square Ft. Source:
Above Grade Finished Area:
Below Grade Finished Area:
Below Grade Unfinished Area:
Total SqFt.: 2415
Style: Array
Total Bedrooms: 3
Total Bathrooms: 3
Total Full Baths: 3
Garage Type:
Garage Stalls: 0

Property Features

Lot Feat/Fld Plain: Array
Interior Amenities:
Inclusions: ********
Exterior Amenities:
Heat System:
Air Conditioning:


1133-A Harwood Drive, Fargo, ND 58104

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